Click on the job titles below to see position-specific descriptions. Requirements for all staff are listed below available positions.
Camp Shalom (K-5th grade)
Noar-Bogrim/NOBO (6th-9th grade)
Goodman Aquatic Center
Qualifications - Required
- Upon hire, completion of First Aid and CPR certification. (Camp Shalom will hold pre-camp trainings)
- Complete mandatory staff training week and all required paperwork.
- Ability to lead, plan, organize, and implement program activities.
- Ability to work as a member of a team and the ability to accomplish tasks with little direct supervision.
- Strong organizational and communication skills.
Physical Demands
- Must have the physical ability to lead and participate in camp activities, which include, but are not limited to, swimming, team building initiatives, building campfires, physical games, and activities.
- Must have the ability to physically and emotionally support children when needed.
Noar-Bogrim Counselor Qualifications - Required
- Upon hire, completion of First Aid and CPR certification. (Camp will hold pre-camp trainings at no cost to staff)
- Complete mandatory staff training week and all required paperwork
- Ability to lead, plan, organize, and implement program activities
- Ability to work as a member of a team and to accomplish tasks with little direct supervision
- Strong organizational and communication skills
- Enthusiasm for working with children and adolescents
- Respect for diverse traditions, experiences, cultures, and abilities
The following experiences and skills make you a strong candidate, but demonstrating potential and a willingness to learn can compensate for a lack of prior direct experience:
- Experience working with middle school-aged children
- Experience supporting children or teens with special needs
- Program planning experience
- Group leadership experience
- Experience with Jewish culture
- Strong background in any of the following areas: theater/performing arts, arts and/or crafts, sports, cooking, outdoor activities, RPG, photography, video
Physical Requirements
- Must have the physical ability to lead and participate in camp activities which include, but are not limited to, swimming, team building initiatives, building campfires, physical games, and activities.
- NOBO staff must be physically able to participate in hiking, boating, and other community and park-based activities.
- Must have the ability to physically and emotionally support children when needed.
- Pay rates are posted in the job description documents
- Camp Shalom salaries are based on 9 full weeks of employment
- Camp Shalom Noar-Bogrim (NOBO) salaries are based on 7 full weeks of employment
- Employee Benefit: Camp staff are eligible to receive guaranteed admittance and one complementary session at Camp Shalom for their camp-age children (rising kindergarten-rising 9th grade).
For more information, email Logan Bookstaff, Camp Shalom Assistant Director of Staff Recruitment and Retention, at logan@jewishmadison.org.
Work at Camp Shalom as a substitute junior or senior counselor on an as-needed basis as your schedule allows. Available days vary throughout the summer, with the most consecutive need being during the third session. Substitute counselors work the entire camp day from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The job responsibilities and pay are the same as those of non-substitute summer counselors.
See Job Details >
Applicants hired as substitute counselors will be sent access to an online calendar where they can sign up on an ongoing basis throughout the summer for the days that Camp Shalom needs subs. Advance and day-before sign-up opportunities to work will be available. Commit to multiple days or one day at a time.
Apply to Sub
Contact Logan Bookstaff at logan@jewishmadison.org to apply or with any questions.