Swarsensky Scholar-in-Residence: Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin
November 14th – 16th 2014
Reserve your spot now! (all events are open to the public and free of charge)
Temple Beth El is excited and honored to have Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin, of Temple Beth Am in Bayonne NJ, as our 2014, 75th Anniversary, Swarsensky Scholar-in-Residence. He is the author of the acclaimed guide for B’nei Mitzvah parents, Putting God on The Guest List, and has most recently authored, The Gods Are Broken: The Hidden Legacy of Abraham.
There is no charge for all Swarsensky events.
But we ask that if you plan on attending, that you register online or to Aleeza Hoffert at program@templebethelmadison.org or 608.238.3123 no later than Friday, November 7.
Friday, November 14
6:30 pm: Reception with food by Layla’s Persian Restaurant. Reservations Requested
7:30 pm: Shabbat Service with D’var by Rabbi Salkin: “Some of Our Best Friends” Judaism is More than they hated us, they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat. Time to meet the righteous gentiles of Jewish history. Oneg Shabbat to follow services.
Saturday, November 15
10:30 am: Special Torah Study with Rabbi Salkin “The Gods are Broken” The legend of Abraham breaking his father’s idols is Judaism’s most famous (non-biblical) story. Do Jews still have the courage to break contemporary idols? Followed by Kiddush Lunch.
Sunday, November 16
9:45 am: Brunch & Keynote by Rabbi Salkin “Why Jewish humor matters & why the Seinfeld show is a metaphor for contemporary Judaism” Reservations Requested
12:00 pm: Special Session with Rabbi Salkin for 11th and 12 Graders. “Israel Without Apology” Are your teens equipped to have conversations about Israel when they get to college? The workshop every Jewish kid needs to attend. Teens will be given a nosh at 11:30 am in the Youth Lounge and Rabbi Salkin with join them at noon
12:00 pm: All 9th and 10th graders are invited to “What’s your answer when you’re asked in school about Israel???” an Israel advocacy program focused on advocacy in high school. This program will be led by Racheli Komar-Azizullahoff, Madison’s community Israel program specialist, and Rebecca Schwab, UW-Hillel’s Engagement Associate and a former Midrasha teacher. 9th and 10th graders will join the 11th and 12 graders for a nosh at 11:30 am in the Youth Lounge.