
10 2015

Jewish Women's Circle (Chabad)

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Home of Lisa Rada RSVP for Address
Waunakee, WI 53711
608-251-8764 fmatusof@gmail.com

Contact Faygie Matusof

Monthly Women's Circle. Interior Design: G-dly Spaces In and Out

Topic: The beauty of the Jewish woman expressed through her special Mitzvot: Challah, Mikvah, and Shabbat Candles.

PLUS: Mary Kay consultant, Lisa Rada, will teach skin care and extended glamour techniques to fit any lifestyle.

Additional Plus: It is Tu B'Shevat--the birthday of the trees! An array of the trees' bounty--dried fruits and other delicacies will be served in their honor.