Jewish Social Services Passover Seder for Seniors Led by Rabbi Andrea Steinberger
Seating begins at 11:00 a.m., the Seder begins at 11:30 a.m.
$15.00 per person. Family members are welcome! Space is limited – don’t wait to make your reservation!
CAPITOL LAKES RESIDENTS & THEIR FAMILIES: RSVP to Ami Shimanek, Director of Dining, at 608-283-2037 by April 1; your account will be billed. This meal is not included in the Capitol Lakes meal plan.
ALL OTHERS: RSVP to Jewish Social Services, 6434 Enterprise Lane, Madison WI 53719 by April 1 with your check made out to “Capitol Lakes” and write “Seder” in the memo line.
MENU: Matzoh Ball Soup, Brisket, Potato Kugel, Asparagus, Chocolate Cake with Berries. The vegetarian option is Eggplant Napoleon; please make this request with your reservation and let us know of any food allergies. Everything except the brisket is pareve.
Scholarships: Capitol Lakes Residents, see Chaplain Guta Cvetkovic. Non-residents, contact JSS at 608-278-1808 or
To Volunteer: Volunteers help seat guests, serve, clear, participate in the seder and help as needed. Volunteers will report at 10:30 am and can expect to be finished around 2:30 pm. Volunteers will receive a complementary meal (vegetarian option available). Email Louise or call 608-278-1808 or 608-442-4083 (direct line).