
8 2015

Senior Seder (JSS)

11:30AM - 2:00PM  

Capitol Lakes Retirement Community, Seasons Dining Roo 333 West Main St
Madison, WI

Contact Louise Goldstein

Jewish Social Services Passover Seder for Seniors Led by Rabbi Andrea Steinberger

Seating begins at 11:00 a.m., the Seder begins at 11:30 a.m.
$15.00 per person. Family members are welcome! Space is limited – don’t wait to make your reservation!

CAPITOL LAKES RESIDENTS & THEIR FAMILIES: RSVP to Ami Shimanek, Director of Dining, at 608-283-2037 by April 1; your account will be billed. This meal is not included in the Capitol Lakes meal plan.

ALL OTHERS: RSVP to Jewish Social Services, 6434 Enterprise Lane, Madison WI 53719 by April 1 with your check made out to “Capitol Lakes” and write “Seder” in the memo line.

MENU: Matzoh Ball Soup, Brisket, Potato Kugel, Asparagus, Chocolate Cake with Berries. The vegetarian option is Eggplant Napoleon; please make this request with your reservation and let us know of any food allergies. Everything except the brisket is pareve.

Scholarships: Capitol Lakes Residents, see Chaplain Guta Cvetkovic. Non-residents, contact JSS at 608-278-1808 or louise@jssmadison.org.

To Volunteer: Volunteers help seat guests, serve, clear, participate in the seder and help as needed. Volunteers will report at 10:30 am and can expect to be finished around 2:30 pm. Volunteers will receive a complementary meal (vegetarian option available). Email Louise or call 608-278-1808 or 608-442-4083 (direct line).