
2 2013

Temple Beth El Sisterhood's 2nd Annual Mah Jongg Tournament

11:00AM - 4:00PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Drive
WI 53711
608-212-4008 Susiejennings@gmail.com

Contact Susie Jennings

Calling all Mah Jongg players to participate in Temple Beth El Sisterhood's 2nd Annual Mah Jongg Tournament and Raffle Sunday, June 2, 2013. Registration & Raffle sale begins at 11:00 am with lunch being served at 11:15 am. Play begins at noon. Tournament fee which includes lunch, snacks, and prizes is $32 per person with RSVP by May 22. RSVP's after May 22 are $40 per person. RSVP to Susie Jennings, 3009 Pelham Rd. Madison, WI 53713 with your check payable to TBE Sisterhood. Please include the names and email address of your players. If you do not have a foursome, please include your playing level and we will assist you in making a table. Each table needs to provide a Mah Jongg set. Proceeds will benefit DAIS ( Domestic Abuse Intervention Shelter), YWCA Third Street programs & Youth Scholarships.