
23 2013

Senior Shabbat

6:00PM - 6:30PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Dr.
WI 53711

Contact Aleeza

6pm Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Service Temple Beth El invites Madison Jewish Community Seniors to a special Shabbat dinner and service led by Rabbi Biatch in your honor. Dinner will include chicken, kugel, salad, challah, dessert and more. Transportation provided as needed if notified no later than Friday, August 16 at 1pm. We ask for a $5.50 donation per person to defray the costs of dinner. Please mail checks payable to Temple Beth El to Temple Beth El, 2702 Arbor Dr., Madison, WI 53711. Visit our website to see the flyer and to RSVP or contact Aleeza at