
10 2014

Shabbat Gathering for Seniors at Oakwood Village University Woods

4:00PM - 5:00PM  

Oakwood Village University Woods 6225 Mineral Point Road
WI 53705
608-230-4699 louise@jssmadison.org

Contact Louise Goldstein
608-278-1808 (Phone)
608-278-7814 (Fax)

Please join Oakwood residents, volunteers and Jewish Social Services staff for candle lighting, challah, wine, songs and discussion to usher in Shabbat, with the assistance of JSS vounteers and music by Lauren Mazur. What a great opportunity to spend time together! Please send your e-mail address to JSS receive an electronic reminder. A program of Jewish Social Services and Oakwood Village University Woods. For information about programs and services at Jewish Social Services, visit www.jssmadison.org/