
2 2014

Adult Education: The Sabbath

9:50AM - 11:30AM  

Center for Families 2120 Fordem Avenue

Contact Beth Wolfe

Join Celeste Robins for this series of discussions about the Sabbath. One of the greatest gifts that we as Jews have received – and have in turn given to the world – is the Sabbath. At its best, it is a time of rest, reflection, coming back to balance, and connection with things greater than ourselves and our daily lives. Many of us do not observe a traditional Sabbath, abstaining from work and taking respite from our hectic weekly lives. We know that life requires rest, yet our lives often seem to demand action more. How can we welcome the gift of rest and reflection back into our lives in a way that honors our lives’ demands and also our need for balance and wholeness? Referencing Wayne Muller’s book Sabbath as a guide for these three sessions, we will explore this topic together to discover its meaning for each of us on a personal level. Non-members welcome. Celeste Robins is a retired Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker.