
15 2014

Megilla Reading & Purim Party at Beth Israel Center

8:15PM - 11:00PM  

Beth Israel Center 1406 Mound St
WI 53711

Contact Deborah Hoffman

This year's Purim Party could be the last big evening event at Beth Israel before the remodeling project begins. All are welcome! After Ma'ariv (at 8:15pm) and Havdalah, we'll read the WHOLE MEGILLA and then party the night away. This year's costume party theme is MUSIC! Come dressed as your favorite genre, band, musician or instrument. Or march to the beat of your own drum. Plus, KARAOKE! Unleash your inner rock star or country crooner. Be the next break-out artist of the year. Even if you're shy, give it a try! Help fulfill the mizvah of imbibing ad lo yadah, until you do not know the difference between 'blessed be Mordechai' and 'cursed be Haman,' by contributing your favorite hootch. Or someome else's favorite hootch. Last but not least, bring some cash for the Purim Purim! Cast your lot -- it's a Purim thing to do! Mark the bill(s) of your choice (ones, fives, tens....) and drop your dough in the pot. At the end of the night, we'll draw one bill. If it's yours, you win 1% of the pot if it's a $1 bill, 5% if it's a fiver, etc. Proceeds will be shared with Emerson Elementary School.