
28 2014

Jewish Music and Holocaust Survivors in East Germany

12:00PM - 2:00PM  

UW Hillel / The Barbara Hochberg Center for Jewish Student Life 611 Langdon Street
WI 53703
256-8361 info@uwhillel.org

David Shneer (University of Colorado) with Laurie Silverberg (UW - Madison) After the Holocaust, many Jewish communists chose to settle in the German Democratic Republic, or East Germany. Convinced that only a radically new political system could prevent the reemergence of fascism and offer an opportunity for cultural renewal, a number of Jewish composers, musicians, and musicologists rose to prominence in the new German state. But to what extent did they--could they--present themselves and their music as 'Jewish?' Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Madison, UW Hillel and Center for Jewish Studies.