An Extraordinary Community Doing Extraordinary Things TOGETHER!
Please come out and join fellow Madison Jewish community members and do something to honor the tradition of Tzedakah (giving). Each event will have pledge cards available so that you can make your annual pledge to the Jewish Federation of Madison’s Annual Tzedakah Campaign. For those unable to participate, we will try to reach out to you by telephone to ask for your support, you can contact us to donate by calling Lynn at (608) 442-4076 or donate online.
7:30 - 8:30 am: Boot Camp Style Workout at Fit Mom’s For Life Transformation Center
9:00 - 10:00 am: Family Outdoor Yoga at Wingra Park
9:30 - 11:00 am: Stuff the Van at Wingra Park Parking Lot
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Make Phone Calls & Write Thank You Notes at the Jewish Federation of Madison
11:45 am - until the game is over: Packers Party for the Pantry at 150 E. Gilman St.
12:00 - 1:00 pm: Stuff the Van in front of Manna Café
1:00 - 3:00 pm: Bake for Builders at the Temple Beth El Kitchen
1:30 - 2:30 pm: Stuff the Van at the Jewish Federation of Madison
4:00 - 8:30 pm: Yonim Israeli Dancing Try It Day at Temple Beth El
Kick Start Your Morning with a Boot Camp Style Workout
Dustin Maher of Fit Moms for Life will be leading an early morning workout to get your day started right. Join us at 7:30 am at Fit Mom’s For Life Transformation Center at 202 S. Gammon Road across from Memorial High School. (Don’t let the word “mom” deter you, his workouts are for everyone ages 14 and up)
Kickin’ it with Katanim (Preschoolers) Family Outdoor Yoga
Parents and preschool aged children are invited to enjoy an outdoor yoga session with Marcella Speich of Back Yard Yoga. We will be meeting at 9:00 am at Wingra Park for a great opportunity to enjoy yoga with your child. (This activity is weather dependent. If weather is questionable, call 442-4076 in the morning for confirmation)
Stuff the Van
Stop by one of our convenient locations and donate necessary items to The Road Home. (Diapers/Pull-up training pants: size 4, 5 & 6, Baby Wipes, Toilet Paper, Soap, Deodorant, Razors, School Supplies)
- Wingra Park Parking Lot (9:30 am -11:00 am)
- In Front of the Manna Café, 611 N. Sherman Avenue (12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
- Jewish Federation of Madison, 6434 Enterprise Lane (1:30 pm - 2:30 pm)
Packers Party for the Pantry
Bring donations to help stock Madison’s food pantries and stay to enjoy the Packers game with friends and food at our Packers Party! Starts at 11:45 am at 150 East Gilman Street, Madison. Underground parking available. Please bring non-perishable food items.
Bake for Builders
Come and join us as we bake treats for the hard working volunteers that build house for Habitat for Humanity. We will be baking in the kitchen at Temple Beth El (2702 Arbor Drive) from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. This activity is perfect for all ages and no experience is necessary! Please sign up by emailing Lynn Kaplan at or calling her office at (608) 442-4076.
Yonim Day of Dancing
Try Yonim, Madison's Israeli Dance Troupe for children grades K-12. Please bring a friend for a fun evening of dance at Temple Beth El (2702 Arbor Drive)!
Times By Age Group:
4:00-4:45pm B'reisheet(K-2nd)
5:00-5:45pm Aleph(3rd-5th)
6:00-7:00pm Bet(6th-8th)
7:00-8:30pm Gimel(9th-12th)
For more information contact Cathy Schrager at
Phone Calls and Thank You Notes
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! We need to reach out and make some old fashioned phone calls to ask for pledges as well as needing with help processing paperwork and writing thank you notes. If you are available to help us out, anytime between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm at the Jewish Federation of Madison (6434 Enterprise Lane), please contact Lynn at or 442-4076 to volunteer.
Other Things Happening in Our Community on Tzedakah Sunday...
Madison Area Jewish Youth Groups Rosh Hashana Gift Bags for Seniors: Youth groups partner with Jewish Social Services to prepare and deliver Rosh Hashanah gift bags to seniors in nursing homes and assisted living starting at 1:30 pm. Please contact your group youth advisor for details.
Congregation Shaarei Shamayim: Deepening Jewish Prayer. Center for Families, 2120 Fordem Avenue, 9:50 am-11:30 am
Temple Beth El: Rosh Hashanah A to Z at 9:30 am. Pre Rosh Hashanah Picnic Lunch and Apple Picking, Eplegaarden at 12:15 pm.
Beth Israel Center: Sweet Traditions of Rosh Hashanah at 9:30 am.