Rekindle your Judaism through ritual, study, and social action in the monthly Chai Mitzvah course, facilitated by Nicole A. Jahr, RJE. This course builds and deepens Jewish connections within the congregation and community.
In this special version of the course focused on business ethics, you'll explore some of our tradition's teachings related to business and commerce.
Often, we fragment our lives into religious and secular, confining Judaism to the home and synagogue. This dichotomy between religious and work lives is alien to Judaism because derech eretz, the way we walk in this world, is a form of Jewish expression. Indeed, Jewish law and ethics have much to say about the world of business and commerce. Over 100 mitzvot relate to commerce and business, even more than the number devoted to the laws of kashrut.
Chai Mitzvah has five basic components in a nine-month program:
• Group study - meeting monthly, with a text-based curriculum (you can see samples of the topics at, under "Curriculum"
• Personal study - design your own independent study on a topic of personal interest to you, looking at Jewish life, history, major figures, literature, culture, or other areas of interest
• Adopt a ritual/spiritual practice and incorporate it into your life for the duration of the program
• Social action - commit to helping in the community (either individually, or as a group)
• Celebrate the achievement! At the end of the nine-month program, Temple Beth El will honor your journey. Participants who finish the program will receive a certificate from Chai Mitzvah and a tree planted in their name, courtesy of the Jewish National Fund's collaboration with Chai Mitzvah.
Experience a fully integrated, meaningful Jewish life, exploring what’s important to you.
If you have any questions, please contact Nicole A. Jahr, RJE, at