Featured Speaker: Hannah Rosenthal
Hannah Rosenthal, former president and CEO of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation and Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the U.S. State Department, is the featured speaker in the fourth Community Forum series presentation, coordinated by our Community Relations Committee (CRC).
For many years, the Jewish Federation of Madison hosted the Jewish Business and Professional Roundtable (JBPR) at Nakoma Golf Club. After a lapse, and under current gathering restrictions due to COVID-19, we would like to announce a new virtual program offering inspired by the JBPR series, the Community Engagement Forum.
The forum will include four programs between the fall of 2020 and into the spring of 2021. All community members, not just our business leaders, are invited to engage in these programs about important topics presented by interesting people both in the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. We hope the presentations will educate, inform, and inspire participants to be more aware and involved in issues concerning our local community.
For now, each program will be presented live via Zoom and will be about one hour.
Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Madison