
23 2022

Cook Supper for the Catholic Multicultural Center (TBE)

Join the crew to cook meals for people in need, from the safety of your own kitchen. Our partnership with the Catholic Multicultural Center (CMC) to feed those in need and people experiencing homelessness is continuing. TBE will continue to cook meals every other Wednesday for CMC to hand out. Each cook prepares a hot dish for 20, using a provided recipe, and a TBE member collects the dishes and delivers them to CMC.

If you would like to participate in this effort, please join us by using the sign-up link below! You can cook one time or sign up for several times. This is an easy mitzvah to fit into your schedule since you can cook ahead.

This partnership with the CMC is one of TBE's many initiatives to feed those in need. The CMC provides free meals every day to approximately 80 south side community members and people experiencing homelessness. Since 2019 TBE members have been assisting in this effort by providing volunteer services before the pandemic and by cooking thousands of meals during COVID times. Since June 2020 approximately 40 Temple cooks have stepped forward and cooked nearly 4,000 meals for hungry neighbors. We are so grateful for all that they have done!

Sign up here: