
18 2020

Erev Rosh Hashanah Worship (TBE)

5:45PM - 7:00PM  

Temple Beth El via YouTube

Contact Melissa Osborne
(608) 238-3123

Step 5: Forgiveness
When we are granted forgiveness, the one we have wronged has renounced anger and resentment toward us, we have been absolved from any further retribution for our wrongdoing, and we are thereby freed from the consequences of our error.

We gather as a community to begin our holiday worship. We will welcome one another on YouTube, together light our holiday and Shabbat candles, and worship as a community of individuals and families. The shofar sounds at 6:00 pm!

As always, registration for High Holy Day worship will be open for members in good standing. A member in good standing has paid all previous years’ membership contributions and at least half of the 2020 membership contribution. We do not want finances to be a barrier to worship, so please contact Stefanie Kushner (, 608-238-3123) to discuss financial arrangements if needed.

We are requesting that those who are not members of Temple Beth El, and do not belong to another Reform congregation, contribute a suggested donation of $72 per screen per holiday to join in our worship.

Please visit Temple Beth El's High Holy Days 5781 web page for registration information.

Sponsor: Temple Beth El