1:30 pm Vigil Begins
2:00 pm Program Begins
This event will create space to mourn the lives lost in these tragic events, and to create solutions to fighting white supremacy through interfaith solidarity. City, community, and religious leaders will facilitate a dialogue. Everyone is welcome.
This event is co-sponsored by (list in formation):
Beth Israel Center, Congregation Shaarei Shamayim, Dane Sanctuary Coalition, Grace Episcopal Church, Groundwork, Islamic Center of East Madison, Islamic Center of Madison, Jewish Congregations for Social Justice, Jewish Federation of Madison, Jewish Social Services, Madinah Community Center, Madison Baha’i Community, Madison Christian Community (Advent Lutheran Church and Community of Hope United Church of Christ), Madison Urban Ministry, Masjid-Al Sunnah, Muslim Women United for Peace, Oasis Muslim Group, Open Doors for Refugees, Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ, Peace Lutheran Waunakee, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, Temple Beth El, United Against Hate, Voces de la Frontera, WI Faith Voices for Justice, Zeidler Center for Public Discussion