Temple Beth El Sisterhood’s 51st Annual Food-A-Rama luncheon on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, features delicious kosher-style deli food and a community gathering welcoming the entire Madison area! This tasty event at Temple Beth El offers corned beef sandwiches, kosher-style hot dogs, vegetarian platters, an amazing bake sale, and more.
Dine-in and Carry-Out hours are 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Bakery and Deli Sales start at 10:00 am
Deli sales include knishes, frozen matzo ball soup and cabbage soup, blintzes, fresh chopped liver, challah, rye bread, and corned beef. Proceeds support causes in the Madison area, including Temple Beth El, Camp Shalom, and the Goodman Youth Farm.
To learn more about Food-A-Rama and place your order today, visit food-a-rama.com. Delivery orders (5 or more lunches, Madison area only) must be placed by November 1.