
10 2018

I Heart Jewish Madison - Friendraiser (JFM)

4:00PM - 6:00PM  

Max Weinstein Jewish Community Building 6434 Enterprise Lane
Madison, WI 53719-1117
(608) 278-1808

(608) 278-1808

Please Join Us for an Open House

The Max Weinstein Jewish Community Building, home of the Jewish Federation of Madison office, recently underwent a physical refresh. Thanks to a generous contribution by Mrs. Frances Weinstein, the Board Room has been enlarged, and upgraded; including new lighting, carpet, colors, and furniture.

We welcome you to stop by to see our home, enjoy some refreshments, learn about Jewish Federation of Madison and our beneficiary organizations' programs, tour Gan HaYeled Preschool, meet the staff, and dedicated volunteer leadership.

We will also be kicking off our Little Free Jewish Library design contest. The Little Free Jewish Library will be housed outside of the Jewish Federation of Madison offices and provide a space for anyone in the community to take or share Jewish and Hebrew books! More details to follow at the Friendraiser event on how you can show off your creativity for this fun community project.