
19 2015

Collectors Corner Celebration (Hadassah )

11:00AM - 3:00PM  

Olive Garden 7017 Mineral Point Road
Madison, WI

Contact Collectors Corner
(608) 831-2474

Hadassah Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Madison's Collectors Corner store.

11:00 am: Silent auction of special items from the store
12:00 pm: Lunch of soup, salad, breadsticks, beverage, and birthday cake

Cost: $18 per person

RSVP by Tuesday, April 14th
Online: www.hadassah.org/events/cc40
By Mail: Make check payable to Madison Hadassah and mail to Collectors Corner at 6633 University Ave. Middleton, 53562

For questions, call Collectors Corner at (608) 831-2474

About Collectors Corner
Collectors Corner was established in response to the 73 war which left Israel in a national medical emergency where funds and medical supplies were desperately needed to care for the wounded. Madison Hadassah responded by asking stores throughout Madison to donate clothing, furniture, etc. for massive fundraising sale. $10,000 was raised in one day.

Enough goods were left over to start a resale store in Shorewood. Years later, Hadassah purchased the building that now houses Hadassah's Collectors Corner on University Avenue in Middleton. Money raised from sales at Collectors Corner goes to Hadassah to support Hadassah hospital, healthcare system, and Medical research in Israel, and social justice in Israel, the United States and around the world.

Sponsor: Madison Hadassah