Join us in the Sukkah this year for a vegetarian potluck, niggunim*, and a short humanist service.
A community member in the Eken Park neighborhood on the East side of Madison will host.
Come for dinner @ 5:00 pm -- and come earlier (3:00 pm) if you'd like to help erect and decorate the Sukkah!
Please RSVP to and we'll let you know the precise location.
* A nigun or niggun is a form of Jewish religious song or tune sung by groups. It is vocal music, often with repetitive sounds such as "Bim-Bim-Bam", "Lai-Lai-Lai", "Yai-Yai-Yai" or "Ai-Ai-Ai" instead of formal lyrics.
Sponsor: Humanistic Jews of Madison