About The Film: A group of young adults with Down syndrome, accompanied by their siblings, embark on a demanding trip through the Himalayas, where they learn about love and accomplishment.
15 Annual Israeli Film Festival - The Outnumbered - Schedule:
- February 13th, 7 pm, Union South: Who's Gonna Love Me Now >
- February 22nd, 7 pm, Memorial Union: Mekonen >
- February 26th, 2 pm, Hillel: My Hero Brother
- March 2nd, 6:30 pm, Hillel: The Other Son >
All Film Screenings are FREE & open to the public
Funded in part by ASM in a viewpoint neutral manner. Students can request disability accommodations at diversity@asm.wisc.edu.
Sponsored By: Hillel at UW, Jewish Federation of Madison, JUF, Hinenu, Center for Jewish Studies, Israel on Campus Coalition, Israel Education Center