
17 2021

Jews, Music, and the Civil Rights Movement (TBE)

10:00AM - 11:30AM  

Temple Beth El via Zoom

Contact Aleeza Hoffert
(608) 238-3123

This program, appropriate for adults and children in 4th grade and above, will draw heavily on the Jewish Women's Archive curriculum "Sing a New Song: Jews, Music, and the Civil Rights Movement." In the 1960s, American Jews made up a large percentage of white Americans who participated in the Civil Rights Movement, standing shoulder to shoulder with African Americans and strengthened by the freedom songs that were based in African American church music. Cantor Jacob Niemi and Les Goldsmith will introduce several of these iconic protest songs and explore how this music crossed racial and religious boundaries to build community. Parallels will be drawn with current social justice music.

The format will include music, lecture, and interactive discussion and will conclude with a rousing sing-along. Please join us for an engaging, informative, and inspiring morning!

Register to receive the Zoom link by email. https://www.tbemadison.org/event/jewsmusiccivilrights

Sponsor: Temple Beth El