For the past several years, our congregation has offered an opportunity to enjoy dinner together at least once each month, often a Shabbat dinner. We've missed this the past two months, and are excited to gather -- virtually -- for Shabbat dinner after services
- Join us to schmooze between 5:00 pm and 5:45 pm.
- Sing along to the joyous tunes of Kabbalat Shabbat starting at 5:45 pm.
- Then enjoy dinner (in your home), while visiting with fellow congregants and friends.
Using Zoom breakout rooms, we will divide up participants so the conversation circles are manageable and enjoyable. (The "host" will do this for you -- there's no need for you to do anything other than connect using this link, ideally before the service ends, around 6:30 pm) We hope the experience mimics how many of us behave at congregational Shabbat dinners -- checking in with friends and people we'd like to know better. After dinner, and before candle lighting time (7:49pm on May 8), we'll come back together to bensch, and sign off before Shabbat comes in.
Click here to join us on Zoom at (or perhaps a little later than) 5:00 pm on Friday, May 8.
Sponsor: Beth Israel Center