
30 2021

KAVOD: Ensuring Dignity for Holocaust Survivors (JSS)

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Jewish Social Services via Zoom

Contact Paul Borowsky

Did you know that ⅓ of Holocaust survivors in the United States live at or below the poverty line? What can we do to ensure their dignity?

John and Amy Israel Pregulman are co-founders of KAVOD. KAVOD’s mission is to ensure dignity for Holocaust survivors.

KAVOD’s impact in filling over 26,000 Emergency Requests over the last 5 and a half years for survivors in cities stretching from New York to Charlotte to Los Angeles to Denver has been life-changing for the Survivors struggling with day-to-day needs. Join Josh, Amy, and John for an enlightening conversation regarding KAVOD’s story.

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Meeting ID: 871 8712 8705
Passcode: 734714
One tap mobile 312-626-6799