Kesher Israel free film series to recommence with the movie, "Salt of This Sea"
Doors open at 7:00 pm, film begins at 7:15 pm. The usual snacks, beverages, schmooze time, and post film discussion included.
The film deals with a young woman, raised in Brooklyn N.Y. by grandparents who had been exiled from Jaffa 60 years previously. The young woman, Soraya, decides to leave her Brooklyn home for her homeland of Palestine. She lands in Israel and begins a journey which unfolds the many levels of frustration she must deal with, not the least of which is her grandfather’s frozen bank account. “The first feature film from Palestine by a female director (Annamarie Jacir), it is an intimate, urgent and rousing piece of political film making.” Released in 2010.
While unrated, due to extreme political bias and some sexual content, the Kesher Israel Committee recommends Salt of This Sea solely for audiences 18 years of age and older.
Future Films:
Dancing in Jaffa ~ Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Broken Wings ~ Wednesday, April 13, 2016
James’ Journey ~ Wednesday, May 18, 2016