Join us for an online viewing and engaging discussion of the movie “Walk on Water,” which combines a Mossad agent with a German tourist, a Nazi Holocaust survivor, and a gay man. The action alternates between funny and horrifying, and violent and tender. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout.
Although it was first produced in 2004, “Walk on Water” is a movie of contemporary significance. The depth of each of the characters alone makes it worthy of our undivided attention. The themes of morality and gay rights, as well as family secrets bring us right up to today. How should a person respond when a friend is attacked by a group of gay bashers? Where, or is, a person able to be “out” sexually and feel safe? And when is it right to share family secrets? At what point is it right for the walls to come down?
The movie deals with nationality versus intersectionality as well. Axel, the young German tourist, is drawn to the U.S. with its freedom of thought and expression. Eyal, the Mossad agent, is intrigued with the beauty of ancient German architecture and societal formalities. The head of Mossad, Mechachem, speaks to national pride.
“Walk on Water” is an educational film that combines the best of our two previous movies, “Out in the Dark” and “Sandstorm.” This is a movie to be seen.
We will view the movie together online at 6:30 pm via Zoom.