Let’s Talk About Gun Control, Fighting Antisemitism & other Legislation that our chapter of 350+ members can do something about! With Eve Galanter, former aide to Senator Herb Kohl
You are invited to a casual discussion with political expert, Eve Galanter about issues that you and other Hadassah members would like to see our chapter pursue. In the past few months, members have talked about asking our legislators to push for gun control, protection for refugees, anti-hate curriculum in schools and more.
The goal of this gathering is to start a discussion on what our members want to see happen. It is not a commitment to lobby. We are fortunate to have Eve Galanter help us understand what we can realistically do.
When a Hadassah chapter, such as ours, choses to speak out on an issue, we represent our 350+ members and more than 300,000 Hadassah members across the country. We are told that legislators pay attention.
Everyone is welcome.
Sponsor: Madison Hadassah