
12 2017

Liesl M. Blockstein Memorial Brunch and Lecture (TBE)

9:45AM - 11:30AM  

Temple Beth El
Register at http://bit.ly/blockstein 2702 Arbor Drive
Madison, WI 53711

Contact Aleeza Hoffert

“Coming Home: Fostering an Artistic Family in Madison”

A talk by Jennifer Uphoff Gray, Artistic Director of the Forward Theater Company, Madison

Jennifer Uphoff Gray, Artistic Director of the Forward Theater Company (FTC) in Madison will be our Blockstein Memorial Lecturer this year. She will talk about her background (her local upbringing, Harvard education, NYC theater years) and how that led to her founding of Forward Theater. She will reflect on the advantages and disadvantages she’s encountered as a woman along the pathway of her career, and about how she sees the role of FTC in the broader community. She will describe how her background – and gender – have perhaps positioned her to see the world that way.

The Liesl M. Blockstein Fund was established by her family after her untimely death in 1986. The Fund supports two purposes: a scholarship for a Wisconsin woman who chooses to study at the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in the fields of rabbinical studies, cantorial studies, or education, and presenting an annual lecture at Temple Beth El. The Liesl Blockstein Memorial Lecture series annually honors a Wisconsin woman involved in politics, academics, the arts, and/or cultural affairs to address our community. This lecture is co-sponsored by Temple Beth El and Jewish Social Services of Madison in which Liesl was actively involved.

While there is no charge for brunch we ask that you register at http://bit.ly/blockstein by Monday, February 6th, 2017.

Sponsor: Temple Beth El and Jewish Social Services