We'll be housing a Little Free Jewish Library outside the Max Weinstein Jewish Community Building, located at 6434 Enterprise Lane, Madison, WI, that will provide a space for anyone in the community to take or share Jewish and Hebrew books and we want your input for the design.
Show off your creativity for this fun community project by entering your design in the Little Free Jewish Library Contest downloading the design template. Design digitally or print out and then scan your design to submit. Email your completed design to online@jewishmadison.org by March 31, 2019.
The winning design will be selected by online public community vote. Submitted designs will be voted on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, 12:00 pm until Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 12:00 pm.
The winner will design the additional panels (sides, back, etc...) based on their winning design concept (see construction specs for details) and have the opportunity to paint the library themselves or just submit the designs and have someone else paint
Design Contest Template (PDF) >
Little Free Library Construction Specs (PDF) >