
4 2019

Lunch and Learn: The Benefits of Pre-Planning Your Final Wishes (JBAM, JFM)

11:00AM - 12:30PM  

Jewish Federation of Madison building 6434 Enterprise Lane
Madison, WI 53719

Contact James Stein
(608) 467-3493

The Jewish Burial Association of Madison (JBAM) and Cress Funeral Service are presenting three educational programs that will focus on Jewish burial customs, Beit Olamim, and how pre-planning for your final wishes can help shield your family from unnecessary emotional and financial burdens and provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones. You will hear presentations from a JBAM representative, a community Rabbi, and a partner from Cress who will outline the planning process and discuss burials, payment options, veteran benefits, and much more. The program environment will be relaxed and informative, without a sales pitch. Admission is free; lunch and/or other refreshments will be provided.

Sponsor: Jewish Burial Association of Madison (JBAM) and Cress Funeral Services