September Walking Adventure
Pheasant Branch Nature Conservancy
(July walk at Pheasant Branch was canceled due to extreme heat)
• 10:30 am meet at Prairie Café 3109 Pheasant Branch Rd (near intersection with Century Blvd)
Directions to Praire Café: From University Ave, turn onto Allen Blvd.. Go 1/2 mile & turn left on Century & go 1 mile to right Frank Lloyd Wright Dr/Pheasant Branch Rd.
• 10:45 am, we’ll drive to 3rd parking lot on Pheasant Branch Rd
• 11:00 am Hike starts at Pheasant Branch RD gravel parking Lot A
• Walkers will divide into two groups
o Group 1 takes an easy 1 mile walk see Sacred Springs and Conservancy overlook
o Group 2 takes a 3.2-mile hike on flat a board walk around the lake & conservancy.
• After the walk, we’ll return to Prairie Café for a snack and chocolate
• Bring water bottle and binoculars if you have them.
• Nonmembers are welcome. Feel free to join walks at any point.
• Please call Betsy at (608) 238-7010 Corliss (608) 770-6521 for directions and so they know to expect
Sponsor: Madison Hadassah