
23 2017

Mallards Game (JFM)

1:05PM - 4:00PM  

The Duck Pond at Warner Park 2920 N Sherman Ave
Madison, WI 53704

Contact Tiz Goff
(608) 278-1808

$ Cost $ 15.00

The Madison Mallards play the Wisconsin Woodchucks! Please join us for fun in the sun!

Game Time: 1:05 pm / Gates Open: 11:00 am

Cost: $15* includes, reserved terrace seat + official Mallard's hat + hot dog, soda, and chips (kosher hot dogs will be available)

Purchase Tickets >
* Online orders include $1.50 per ticket fee

Get an autograph after the game
All the Mallards sign autographs of baseballs and caps (or even gym shoes) after the game at the third baseline concession stands.

Mallards players of interest...
There is a very good chance that Madison Jewish community member, Simon Rosenblum-Larson (former camper at Camp Shalom and Midrasha graduate), will be the starting pitcher for this game. Simon is an All Star with the lowest earned run average and highest strikeout rate in the Northwoods League right now. He graduated from Madison West High School and currently attends Harvard.

The winning pitcher of this year's College World Series, Tyler Dyson of University of Florida, will also be at the game as part of the Mallards team.

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Madison