
30 2014

Mega Challah Bake (Chabad)

6:45PM - 9:00PM  

Full Compass Systems
United States 9772 Silicon Prairie Pkwy
Verona, WI

Hundreds of Madison Jewish women will be gathering at the Mega Challah Bake to make Challah and unite as one community with one heart. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity! The program includes uplifting music and exquisite desserts.

Register Now at LightUpMadison.com

Doors open 6:45 PM, program starts 7:15 PM
Cost: $18 per person / $10 per student 
Take home customized apron and Challot

This event is in honor of Andrea Stein of blessed memory, who loved making challah and everyone in the Madison Jewish community. Such tremendous unity requires the participation of everyone, we really hope you will join and invite your friends to join you.

For more information or questions visit the website LightUpMadison.com,  utilize the contact us feature there or email Mushkie at mushkie@chabadofmadison.com