
24 2020

Music to Motivate our Hearts, Minds & Souls (JSS)


Jewish Social Services via Zoom

Contact Rachael Wortzel
(608) 473-4821

Presented by Vicki Peterson Jenks, Musician & Motivational Speaker

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Vicki has been teaching, mostly percussion instruments, for the last 46 years. In Madison, WI, she created and developed the education department at Ward-Brodt Music Store, one of the Midwest's premiere retail music stores. Vicki performed for 10 years with the Madison Symphony Orchestra and 22 years as Principal Timpanist with the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra. She lives in Wild Rose, WI currently, and has been working on keyboard music in a variety of genres which she will share with us.

If you have questions or need help with technology, please email rachael@jssmadison.org or call (608) 473-4821.