
1 2021

Pick-Up Pick-Me-Up (BIC)

4:30PM - 5:30PM  

Beth Israel Center Parking Lot

Contact Sarah Masa-Myers

Order Kosher-for-Pesach take-out from Adamah (order by March 31!) or Hannah's Kitchen (order by March 30!) and pick up your dinner-to-go at BIC between 4:30  pm and 5:30 pm.

Pick up your food and pick up your mood by taking a breather and schmoozing safely-distanced with friends in the parking lot. Sidewalk chalk fun for little and big kids. Wear your masks!

Weather-permitting, join us for Tai Chi at 5:00 pm. Enjoy a bit of serenity as a Tai Chi instructor guides us in a half-hour of gentle, flowing, and simple movements outside in the parking lot. No experience necessary!

A limited number may attend evening minyan in person, beginning at 5:30 pm.

Register to Attend
If you plan to attend minyan or socialize even for just a few minutes at our Pick-Up Pick-Me-Up event, register by March 31 by emailing office@bethisraelcenter.org.