
19 2021

Postcard Party: Reaching Out to De-registered Voters (TBE)

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Dr.
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 238-3123

Contact Melissa Osborne
(608) 238-3123

The Civic Engagement Action Team at Temple Beth El is working with the Wisconsin League of Women Voters to contact voters who have been purged from the voter rolls for failure to vote in the last four years. Based on our success last year with writing voting reminder postcards, we’re planning another postcard effort to reach out to these voters, telling them to check their registration status and re-register to vote before the next election.

On Sunday afternoon, December 19 at 2:00 pm, we will hold a postcard-writing party. Each person attending will address and sign 30 postcards to de-activated Wisconsin voters. We’ll also use the time to bring people up to date on what lies ahead for civic engagement activities in 2022. The postcard party will be held in the Swarsensky Social Hall, distanced, in accordance with TBE's in-person guidelines ( You also have the option to attend the meeting by Zoom or to address postcards at home on your own schedule.

Please sign up to join us in person or to receive the Zoom link. A donation of $18 is requested for each participant, regardless of how many postcards you write, but of course, you are welcome to participate with or without a donation. Postcards, address labels, and stamps will be provided. If you helped us with postcards last time, you will find that these will go much quicker since we will be using preprinted labels and text. If you have time to do 60, please do!