
11 2020

Queer Jewish Memory:Documenting Ourselves as Jews, Queer Jews & Allies(TBE)

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Temple Beth El via Zoom

Contact Aleeza Hoffert

Rena Yehuda Newman will lead an interactive talk on queer Jewish memory. They will guide us through a conversation, asking what it means for us to document ourselves in historical times and view our own lives as historical subjects. How do we document ourselves as Jews, queer Jews, and allies? How do we see ourselves through the past? What does it mean to imagine queer Jewish futures?

This pre-Shabbat meditation on memory-making through lenses of history, archives, comics, art, and storytelling is ideal for adults and teens, LGBTQ+ community members and allies.

Register to receive the Zoom link by email.

Contact Aleeza A. Hoffert at engage@tbemadison.org with any questions.

Sponsor: Temple Beth El