Queer Jewish Shabbat Dinner: self-identified LGBTQ Jews and their guests are invited to an inclusive, inter-denominational Shabbat potluck! Friday, November 8, at Temple Beth El in Madison. We’ll start at 5:30, but latecomers are welcome! We will provide the meal essentials; please bring a vegetarian, kosher-style dish to share if you are able! For those who keep strictly kosher and don’t carry on Shabbat, we’ll provide a fully kosher meal and utensils.
Please contact Emily at queershabbatdinner19@immentior.com with any questions, and to RSVP by November 1 if possible (preferred, but not necessary).
If you’re wondering if you’re queer enough or Jewish enough to come – the answer is yes! We invite people across the entire spectrum of age, gender identity and expression, observance level (or lack thereof), background, and ability (the venue is fully accessible). And bring guests: queer kids, bring your parents; queer parents, bring your kids; everyone, bring your non-Jewish and/or non-queer partners and friends and family too!
We thank Temple Beth El for hosting this month’s gathering. An additional 2019 gathering will be held at Temple Beth El on December 13, so mark your calendars!
Queer Jews of Madison is a non-affiliated group of community members.