
2 2019

Returning Prisoner Simulation (TBE)

1:00PM - 4:00PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Drive
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 238-3123

Contact Shawna Lutzow
(608) 256-0906

Take a walk in the shoes of a person just released from prison … would you find your way?

For a close-up view of what it’s like to come home from prison, please join us for the acclaimed “Returning Prisoner Simulation” developed by Madison-Area Urban Ministry. Participants will be inserted into realistic scenarios and lifelike struggles that formerly incarcerated people are likely to encounter.

Each participant receives a mock profile and takes on the role of that character during a brief role-play. Participants must complete fundamental life tasks, such as finding housing and a job, opening a glimpse into the sense of overwhelming frustration that formerly incarcerated people often feel. The simulation concludes with panelists who share their own re-entry experiences and answer questions from participants.

To join in a journey of understanding and reconciliation, sign up for this eye-opening program here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/returning-prisoner-simulation-tickets-59333971506.

As a special benefit, Madison Urban Ministry is making this valuable program available to us on the basis of voluntary donations. Donations of $5 to $50 are appreciated.

Or you can attend for free by serving as a volunteer. Volunteers can sign up here:

Sponsor: Temple Beth El "Urgency of Now" Initiative