7:30pm Wondering Jews: Reflections and Sensations of Rabbi Biatch’s Sabbatical through Eastern Europe & Israel and MaTTY Program
9pm Ice Cream Social
10pm Selichot Worship Service
We begin the High Holy Days, the season of repentance and consideration of better ways of thriving in our world, with a glimpse of Jewish life as it was and as it is today in Eastern Europe and in Israel. We’ll use all our senses to experience some of Rabbi Biatch’s Sabbatical as we begin to derive the lessons from how our ancestors lived and thrived, what it took to survive in hostile times and places, and how Israel has progressed in our modern era. At the same time MaTTY will have a program about the experiences of 2 of their members this summer in Israel.
Everyone will come together at 9pm for an Ice Cream Social and the Selichot Service at 10pm. RSVPs to program@templebethelmadison.org are appreciated.