10:15 AM – Pre-service Oneg Shabbat
10:30 AM – Festive Shabbat Morning Service for ALL AGES featuring our T’filah Band
(at 10:55, children age 3 through Grade 2 will leave the sanctuary and have their own special Shabbat activity)
12:15 PM – Post-service Nosh and Socializing
For all community members, we’ve created a celebration for this day of Shabbat.
Shabbat B’yachad joins with our tremendous T’filah band AND YOU! We begin with a welcoming Oneg Shabbat, then enter a lively Shabbat Morning Service for everybody. Children ages 3 through Second Grade will begin with the community, then they will go to special programming of their own, enabling both them and adults to enjoy a meaningful Shabbat experience.
We’ll conclude with a light luncheon. RSVP’s are very helpful for letting us know how much food to prepare. Contact Lesa Budd at 238-3123 or school@templebethelmadison.org to let us know how many will attend.