Celebrate the light that Holocaust survivors and their descendants have shared with the world and honor the Six Million Jewish lives lost in the Holocaust while making a lamp and re-dedicating yourself to putting more light into the world.
Join us in a free two-session workshop where you can make a beautiful illuminated paper lamp and honor the Six Million lives lost in the Holocaust by re-dedicating yourself to putting more light into the world. This is our first pilot workshop and your chance to play a pioneering role in the Six Million Lights project.
What could be more sacred in times like this? We will have a core group of three Holocaust Survivors and two descendants of Survivors. We can enroll up to 7 additional participants on a first-come, first-reserved basis. You don’t have to be a descendant of Survivors nor even be Jewish to join us, but your intention should be to honor the Six Million in a light-making workshop done within a Jewish context.
Sponsor: The Illumignossi Project and OrLanu.