
19 2019

Six Million Lights Workshop

10:30AM - 1:30PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Drive
Madison, WI 53711

Contact David Moss

Celebrate the light that Holocaust survivors and their descendants have shared with the world and honor the Six Million Jewish lives lost in the Holocaust while making a lamp and re-dedicating yourself to putting more light into the world.

Join us in a free two-session workshop where you can make a beautiful illuminated paper lamp and honor the Six Million lives lost in the Holocaust by re-dedicating yourself to putting more light into the world. This is our first pilot workshop and your chance to play a pioneering role in the Six Million Lights project.

What could be more sacred in times like this? We will have a core group of three Holocaust Survivors and two descendants of Survivors. We can enroll up to 7 additional participants on a first-come, first-reserved basis. You don’t have to be a descendant of Survivors nor even be Jewish to join us, but your intention should be to honor the Six Million in a light-making workshop done within a Jewish context.

See More Info on Facebook >

Sponsor: The Illumignossi Project and OrLanu.