
12 2020

S'lichot Film Screening & Service (BIC)

8:05PM - 11:00PM  

Beth Israel Center via Zoom

Contact Sarah Masa-Myers

As you continue your spiritual journey toward the High Holy Days, kick it up a notch with our special online S'lichot program. Our late-night, very short service will set your vibe toward Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with familiar melodies and readings.

We'll start with Ha-Video-Dallah, 10 minutes after Shabbat ends.

After Havdallah, we will view the film 13th beginning at 8:30 pm. This 2016 documentary illuminates the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation's prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans. If you've seen the film before or wish to view it on your own, you should feel free to do that, and then join us online to discuss the film starting at 10:10pm.

After the film discussion, Leslie Greenspan will lead our special online S'lichot service starting at 11:00 pm.

Please email the BIC office if you'd like the link and do not receive emails from BIC.

Sponsor: Beth Israel Center