
22 2022

Strong Men, Crafty Women: The Book of Judith (CSS)

6:00PM - 7:30PM  

Congregation Shaarei Shamayim via Zoom

Contact Joy Zotalis
(608) 257-2944

This class will explore the recurrent theme of strong men defeated by crafty women through the Book of Judith and its Biblical antecedents. This will be primarily a discussion-based class and will be held on Zoom.

CSS Members: $45, Non-members: $70. Full and partial scholarships are available. Email office@shamayim.org for more information.

This class has a minimum enrollment requirement of 10 people. The deadline to register is February 7. Please register here: https://www.shamayim.org/event/bookofjudith

Sponsor: Congregation Shaarei Shamayim