Celebrate Sukkot with Temple Beth El!
5:30 pm Join us for Sukkah Decorating. Bring your own decorations or join in the crafts we’ll have available.
6:15 pm Pizza in the hut dinner. It’s a mitzvah to dwell in the Sukkah, and enjoy meals in the Sukkah. Register for pizza and salad from Roman Candle Pizza (they do have a gluten free option) as we perform this mitzvah and enjoy each other’s company. It’s the perfect chance to say the blessing for being in the sukkah.
6:45 pm Sukkot Service for the whole community. Usher in the holiday with a sukkot service in the sukkah. Bring your jacket. This service will include the shaking of the 4 species associated with Sukkot. Come to experience this unique holiday ritual.
Dinner is $10/person with a $30 max per family.
Register at tbemadison.shulcloud.com/event/sukkah_decorating_2017