5:30 pm - Hanukkah Activities for Kids of all ages
5:45 pm - Family Fridays Shabbat Service. Hanukkah Candle Lighting*
6:15 pm-Camp Style Family Fridays Shabbat Dinner with a Hanukkah twist.
* Latkes * Driedels * Camp Games-Oh My
7:15 pm - Community Hanukkah Candle Lighting*
7:30 pm - Jewish Camp Style Friday Night Shabbat Service with D'var Torah teaching by Jerry Kaye, Director of Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI). Our Campers will be participating in leading the service. Everyone who has been to Jewish Summer Camp will be called to the Torah for the blessing.
Oneg Shabbat to follow.
* Bring your Hanukkiah and 7 candles to light with us for the 6th night of Hanukkah for whatever service you attend.