
5 2016

Sisterhood 5th Annual Mah Jongg Tournament (TBE)

11:00AM - 3:00PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Dr.
Madison, WI 53711
608-238-3123 info@tbemadison.org

Contact Aleeza Hoffert

Be sure to Save the Date for Temple Beth El Sisterhood’s Mah Jongg Tournament, including Lunch and a Raffle to benefit our charitable projects. Last year we had 15 tables! Players should be able to complete 4 games within an hour and there will be 3 one-hour rounds. Gather together your table of 4 friends/Mavens! and watch for the invitation in April. Space will be limited so sign up with your table early. Contact Sue Center with questions: slcenter@wisc.edu, 608-345-5444 (cell).

Sponsor: Temple Beth El