
25 2018

TBE's Eastern European Trip Welcomes All of Madison's Jewish Community

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Dr.
Madison, WI 53711
(608)238-3123 executive@tbemadison.org

Contact Terrie Goren

Members of the Madison Jewish community have the opportunity to take an extraordinary journey with Temple Beth El to places of Jewish heritage and culture in central and eastern Europe May 6-16, 2019. Learn more about this trip at an information session on Wednesday, July 25, 7:00 pm, at TBE; snacks will be served.

On this journey, we will explore Europe both through the lens of the Holocaust and as a renewed center of Jewish culture, filled with intellectual achievement and spiritual growth. Visit the Ayelet website for travel information and registration.

RSVP for the July 25 information session. Please come and see how you can discover new connections to our Jewish heritage.