
26 2020

The Dane Sanctuary Coalition’s “Big Read” (TBE)

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Temple Beth El via Zoom

Contact Aleeza Hoffert
(608) 238-33123

Temple Beth El is participating in the Dane Sanctuary Coalition’s “Big Read”: The Death and Life of Aida Hernandez: A Border Story by Aaron Bobrow-Strain. Taking us into detention centers, immigration courts, and the inner lives of Aida and other daring characters, the author reveals the human consequences of militarizing what was once a more forgiving border.

We know it's a long and at times challenging read, so we encourage you to read the author's final chapter, "About This Book," if you don't get to read the whole book. This one chapter would provide more than enough substance for a lively and stimulating discussion.

We're looking forward to a lively discussion of this fascinating narrative! We hope you can join us in this opportunity to be together while staying apart during this challenging time. —Erica, Lynn, and Marta (Immigrant Rights Action Team co-chairs)

Register for Zoom Link >

Sponsor: Temple Beth El