
15 2015

Torah and Mindfulness (BIC)

9:30AM - 3:00PM  

Beth Israel Center 1406 Mound St
Madison, WI

Contact Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon
(608) 256-7763

$ Cost $ 96.00

Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell leads the first of two Sunday workshops, this one titled "Pesach, Matzah and Marror: A Day of Jewish Mindfulness Practice." It will draw upon the wisdom of Pesach in order to frame a Jewish mindfulness practice that is accessible and effective. Participants will learn the fundamentals of this practice and have an opportunity to engage in them over the course of the day through sitting, walking, and eating meditation. Rabbi Bendat-Appell will also lead a session on Sunday, May 3.

In the weeks between the two Sunday sessions, participants will read Rabbi Alan Lew's book Be Still and Get Going, with discussion and practice facilitated by Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon on these Thursday evenings: March 19 and 26, April 16, 23 and 30.

Cost: $96/person ($72/person for members of Beth Israel Center) -- includes lunch on both Sundays and Rabbi Lew's book.